Share your Green Stories & get a chance to WIN!


We are keen to learn about all stories of how you are helping the environment. Every little helps and whatever you are doing that has nature and the future of our planet in mind is of great interest to us. We are looking for GREEN HEROES to help us share and achieve our mission. During every period we will choose a post and run a feature with the person, group or business in question. We want to set an example and the best way to do this is of course by acting. The more of us take action, the closer we will be coming to creating the awareness needed to fulfill this change and support future generations. Let's all do it for our kids, it's our duty to be the GREEN HEROES of our time to create the awareness required and sustain a healthy future!
Share your story on our facebook page NOW!


Ecopence Water Filter

This season we will be presenting another Free water filtration system worth €40 to the Green Hero that joins and helps share our concept by signing up, following, commenting, sharing, subscribing to all our social media and obviously posting on our Green Hero page.

We are keen to know all the stories of how you are helping our environment. The more of us join this initiative the more awareness we create in support of a greener future.



Please sign me up, I want to learn more and become a Green Hero!


We have rub our first event in collaboration with Green Malta on the 25th October 2020. Many of our Green Heroes where present and helped to make this day a very succesful one. This was the first plogging event in Malta and surely not the last. You may view more details about this event and upcoming ones on
We now look forward to our next events on the 8th Nov and on the 29th Nov 2020.
Get involved and help us build this group, it will be fun and rewarding as we will be doing things to help our environment.
Share your story today!
green heroes


ecopence winners
August 2020 - Green Hero award went to Carmela Azzopardi
Prize - Free Ecopence thermal stainless steel water bottle worth €13

September 2020 - for the 2nd month our Green Hero award went to Carmela Azzopardi
Prize - Ecopence water filtration system worth €40

October till December 2020 -
Prize - Ecopence water filtration system worth €40

Cynthia Grixti from Malta sent us a list of ideas on how to reduce the impact. Here is what she had to say....

Posted on the 30th July 2021

• Using reusable bags, specifically request not to be given plastic bags in shops.

• Reusing olive oil glass bottles for drinking water for the house or to carry around.

• Reusing peanut butter/tahini glass jars to store lentils, beans, barley etc. which makes for a more organised cupboard without needing to buy specific containers.

• Reusing take away containers, when possible, for taking lunch to work.

• Grouping errands to drive a sensible route instead of going from north to south and polluting more.

• Saving the cold water from the bath that comes from the tap before the hot water from the SWH reaches the tap, instead of just letting it run and going to waste. Using it instead of flushing water.

• Using mostly natural or organic or bio cleaning products in the house, no harsh chemicals.

• Using also natural things like baking soda for cleaning.

• Using essential oils for most ailments, skin and hair care.

• Conscious consumerism while grocery shopping; choosing and/or avoiding certain ingredients, not choosing items that have loads of plastic packaging, not buying products from destructive companies (when I'm aware they are produced by one or by one of its affiliates).

• Using reusable 19ltrs water bottles rather than buying the single use bottles.

• Not leaving lights or electrical items on, when not in use.

• Not wasting water in day to day life.

• Returning packaging to vegetable shop for reuse, such as the egg containers, the bowls that some stuff are sold in, or just not taking the plastic bowls in the first place.

• Actively trying to reduce waste not just recycle. In fact, I only need to throw away the grey and black bags once every 2 weeks.

• Switched to reusable toilet cloth and sanitary pads.

• Use toothpaste tablets to avoid the packaging and sometimes also use only coconut oil for oil pulling.

• Supporting local business whenever I can.

• Eating natural and unrefined foods as much as possible.

• Saving veggie scraps to make broth.

• Cooking banana bread/muffins using also the peel.

• I am a member of the G10T Project. I used to be more active but I support in other ways now until I can be an active member again.

• When I rented part of a field as a hobby, I grew flowers for the bees and sunflowers for the birds and vegetables and herbs for consumption and to share, without using pesticides, as much as possible.

• Use 12% of my earnings from my proofreading side-job to support 4 themes, one of which covers environmentally-related causes.

• In general, use a non-destructive approach to consumerism and life in general.

Milena from Germany has been doing waste sorting for more than 20 years. Here is what she had to say....

Posted on the 2nd December 2020

99% of Earth's resources become waste in less than 42 days. I don’t want to buy waste anymore like packaging, bags, boxes.... It is expensive for me and damages the planet.

I was at an eco friendly event with Green Malta in Pembroke , at the end of October: a plogging event and I decided to buy a water bottle to refill instead of buying water bottles to go trekking or to carry when I am thirsty on tours with my students ; making bottles consumes energy and plastic takes too long to disintegrate + costs a lot.


This is favoured by big companies which want to renew items in order to sell more and make profits. The more they produce the more they destroy and we have to eliminate direct waste and indirect waste such as toothbrushes they make 1,5 kilos indirect waste each for example. 


The best waste is the one we don’t produce : Refuse it so don't buy it.

Christine Emery from France just traveled to Malta and discovered Ecopence. Here is what she had to say....

Posted on the 2nd November 2020

99% of Earth's resources become waste in less than 42 days. I don’t want to buy waste anymore like packaging, bags, boxes.... It is expensive for me and damages the planet.

I was at an eco friendly event with Green Malta in Pembroke , at the end of October: a plogging event and I decided to buy a water bottle to refill instead of buying water bottles to go trekking or to carry when I am thirsty on tours with my students ; making bottles consumes energy and plastic takes too long to disintegrate + costs a lot.


This is favoured by big companies which want to renew items in order to sell more and make profits. The more they produce the more they destroy and we have to eliminate direct waste and indirect waste such as toothbrushes they make 1,5 kilos indirect waste each for example. 


The best waste is the one we don’t produce : Refuse it so don't buy it.

Christine from France shares her passion with school children. Here is what she had to say....

Posted on the 25th September 2020

I organize Erasmus days in a high school in France and we selected the environmental theme this year. "Green planet ; Positive planet" 200 students will be welcomed by teachers to speak about environment and discover eco friendly activities like sports, health, fashion, climate, accommodation, transports, oceans, animals, permaculture so they can share with families, friends, teachers, neighbours, associations, communities...... how to act as fighters against the destruction of our planet. 

Raquel from Malta has taken advantage of this time to reuse and also invested in a bicycle she is using as transport. Here is what she had to say....

Posted on the 17th September 2020

 I like to reuse a lot of the things that we have at home. Unfortunately, before jumping into this trend, we already had many things at home that were not so eco-friendly. But just getting rid of them and buying new ones, didn't seem eco-friendly either. So I try to reuse everything that we have. I have two small kids and during lockdown, actually a life-saver, I turned water bottles into flowers, coffee pods into ornaments and basically any other item I could find. I obviously use reusable face masks and I bought mesh bags for grocery shopping. But my best decision was to get a bicycle. I was raised in a biker environment, where we used to go to school by bike (rain and snow included) so finally getting one after 8 years in Malta, was a big hallelujah. I added a basket to the front (charity shop find) and some bags to the rear, and now I go literally everywhere with my bike. Best investment ever. I attach some pictures of my flores and my bicycle. Thank you all for the opportunity!
ornaments out of reusables
flowers out of plastic bottles
flowers out of plastic bottles
bicycle for shopping
Carmela from Malta was awarded our very Green Hero award last month! Here is what she had to say....

Posted on the 14th September 2020

Thank you so much for all the help and awareness that you are offering. Since I have been following your posts I have changed and now treasure the environment as much as I can. With a little effort to change my old habits I have managed to do so much.  By taking my own bags & containers for shopping I am avoiding the use of a lot of plastic bags.  Buying your soap products in refillable containers, apart from the good quality products, I am saving money and avoiding carrying extra weight.  Not to mention the fact that I have much less plastic to throw away. 

Lately I had the opportunity to try your BeeFree meat products and they are so delicious and full of good and essential vitamins, so much so that I decided to add them to my diet on a regular basis.

Last but not least thank you so much for the prompt delivery.

Good luck with all your ventures. Humanity needs Ecopence.

Sarah from Malta is telling us how she and her family reuse and recycle. Here is what he had to say....

Posted on the 25th August 2020

I'm helping out the environment by making sure I separate the recyclable and non-recyclable waste. My family and I also always use our own bags at the food store and make sure to reuse anything (plastic bags, bottles, etc.) as much as we can. Today we bought the Ecopence Merchandise pack which we will start to use immediately for all kinds of shopping. I am glad to have found Ecopence and I look forward to learn more about this concept and their future campaigns.

Noemi from Malta is highlighting the fact of how much plastic is used on water distribution on the islands. Here is what he had to say....

Posted on the 25th August 2020